Darius Foo

Choreographic PlusCal

Choreographic PlusCal is a refinement of PlusCal with features for specifying distributed protocols.

  (C \in coordinators);
  (P \in participants);
  all (c \in coordinators) {
    task C, "phase1" {
      all (p \in participants) {
        Transmit(c, p, "prepare");
        either {
          Transmit(p, c, "prepared");
        } or {
          Transmit(p, c, "aborted");
          cancel "phase1";
    if (aborted) {
      all (p \in participants) {
        Transmit(c, p, "abort");
        Transmit(p, c, "aborted");
    } else {
      all (p \in participants) {
        Transmit(c, p, "commit");
        Transmit(p, c, "committed");

Roles and parties

Protocol models in Choreographic PlusCal begin with definitions of roles, parties, and their local variables.

  (F \in failure_detectors),
  (P \in participants)
    voted_yes = {},
    voted_no = FALSE,
    outcome = "none";

A party is an identifier for a protocol participant, and is typically a model value. Protocol participants have local state and communicate via messages. A role is a set of parties.

choreography and Transmit

A choreography lives at the same level as a PlusCal process, and is special in that it describes the protocol globally, from the perspective of all parties simultaneously.

  (C \in coordinators),
  (P \in participants);
  all (c \in coordinators) {
    all (p \in participants) {
      Transmit(c, p, "a");
      Transmit(p, c, "b");

Within a choreography, new global constructs can be used. The most important is Transmit for sending messages, which can be arbitrary data. Any network semantics can be specified for it by implementing simple Send and Receive macros.

macro Send(from, to, type) {
  messages := messages \union {[To |-> to, From |-> from, Type |-> type]};

macro Receive(from, to, type) {
  await [To |-> to, From |-> from, Type |-> type] \in messages;

Choreographic PlusCal works by projecting choreographies into regular PlusCal processes, so it fits nicely into the PlusCal translator pipeline.

all and par

Multicasts are the workhorse of consensus and commit protocols, among other role-uniform operations. These are expressible with all, which is dual to PlusCal's with: instead of executing its body for an arbitrarily chosen element of a set, its body executes for all elements of the set, concurrently.

  (C \in coordinators),
  (P \in participants);
  all (c \in coordinators) {
    all (p \in participants) {
      Transmit(c, p, "prepare");

par { ... } and { ... }, which is dual to either { ... } or { ... }, is used for parallel composition of different blocks of statements, instead of the same block many times.

Unlike PlusCal process and Distributed PlusCal threads, par and all can be nested arbitrarily. Both have a fork-join semantics when composed sequentially.

Tasks and cancellation

tasks delimit a block of statements which will no longer take effect following a cancellation.

all (p \in participants) {
  task P, "a" {
    par {
      cancel "a";
    } and {
      x := x + 2;
} \* x is 0 or 2 on each participant

In the Two-phase Commit example above, the task delimits the first phase of the protocol, which ends as soon as the first "aborted" message is received. Notably, the coordinator will no longer even receive messages following the cancellation, and does not have to wait for all subprocesses to be "joined".

This provides a principled and easy way to implement such optimizations, which would otherwise be tricky to express.

Cancellation is also an interesting control flow primitive. For example, it can be used with loops to express infinite repetition of a task which completes to a different extent each time.

while (TRUE) {
  task servers, "s" {
    par {
      \* A
      \* B
      \* C
    } and {
      cancel "s";
} \* produces the behavior (A(B(C)?)?)*

Dynamic multirole protocols and self-sends

Protocols such as Nonblocking Atomic Commit feature intra-role communication, or self-sends. Others such as Raft additionally have only a single static role, changing role dynamically based on node state.

all (s \in servers) {
  Transmit(s, s, "RequestVote");

Choreographic PlusCal handles both in a principled way with a projection function based on the theory of dynamic multirole session types.

Multiparty loops

Multiparty loops allow repetition across multiple roles, with a termination condition for each role to be projected with respect to.

all (c \in coordinators) {
  all (p \in participants) {
    while (y > 1), (x < 3) {
      Transmit(c, p, 5);
      y := y - 1;
      x := x + 1;


This project is a research prototype and its implementation is mostly a proof-of-concept. However, it is built on top of the TLA+ tools, so with more work it could someday be used to specify (and verify) real protocols. Please get in touch if you are interested!
