Darius Foo


dblp, Google Scholar

Staged Specification Logic for Verifying Higher-Order Imperative Programs
FM 2024 pdf code
Specification and Verification for Unrestricted Algebraic Effects and Handling
ICFP 2024 pdf code
Protocol Conformance with Choreographic PlusCal
TASE 2023 pdf code
Automated Temporal Verification for Algebraic Effects
APLAS 2022 video slides pdf code
Tracing OCaml Programs
OCaml 2022 video slides pdf code
Automating Continuous Planning in SAFe
RCoSE 2020 slides pdf code poster
The Dynamics of Software Composition Analysis
ASE LBR 2019 pdf poster
Efficient Static Checking of Library Updates
FSE 2018 slides pdf
SGL: A DSL for large-scale analysis of open-source code
SecDev 2018 slides pdf
Higher-Order Debugging and Logging for OCaml
Undergraduate thesis (2016) slides pdf code